by Eduardo Reyes | Jun 23, 2014 | Personal
There are a few things that I recognize interesting in the US´s culture. One of them is the passion for every single activities that the people organize and participate.
For example, I went to a Medieval Fair a few months ago. Everybody used costumes, even the older people. It was weird, because in Chile, nobody -including me- have enough personality to be exposed in that sense. Ok, maybe in a few contexts like Halloween or chilean version of the Comic Con.
I also participated in a game where more than 300 people participated. The name of the game was “Humans and Zombies”. Nobody can imagine how the students truly believed that they were protagonists of this game. They really believed that they were humans killing zombies or vice versa.
by Eduardo Reyes | Jun 23, 2014 | Personal
That’s my motto. I am always trying to learn different things in science, sports, whatever. I think, I never know when this knowledge will be useful.
I hope not in the next life.
by Eduardo Reyes | May 5, 2014 | Personal
Alguna vez fui famoso. Hace 6 años atrás hice lo que Apple publicó en como la primera aplicación chilena para iPhones en el rubro del turismo.
Nunca lo supe, hasta ahora por accidente me encontré con mi nombre en un reportaje de la Revista Capital Online.
Cosas de la vida….
by Eduardo Reyes | Feb 17, 2014 | Personal
Me parece una soberbia interpretación.
by Eduardo Reyes | Feb 1, 2014 | Personal
Aquí esta la prueba fehaciente que la UF (Universidad de Florida) tiene un nuevo Gator en sus filas
Muy contento!
by Eduardo Reyes | Jan 21, 2014 | Personal
Llegamos hace tan sólo una semana a Gainesville. Ha sido mucho más excitante de lo que nos imaginábamos en un inicio. La gente, la comida, la casa, el barrio, la Universidad, todo.. todo en genial y distinto.
Hoy estamos en un Welcome Picnic que nos prepararon en el ELI.
Cuesta un poco el inglés… a patás nos hacemos entender, pero lo hacemos. Eso es lo lindo y lo importante.